Remember that time, about two months ago, when I was talking all that shit about missing people and being lonely and needing to connect with everyone. Yeah... Fuck that nonsense.
It's all coming back to me; the reasons I hate humans: They're rude. They're greedy. They're wasteful. They're stupid. They lie. And, they can't drive.
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Biscotti and Americano are all I need |
Let's start with people and Romaine Lettuce. It has been linked to 22 cases of E. Coli illnesses in three provinces - only 4 cases in Ontario - and has not killed one person. To call this an "outbreak" is really pushing it in my opinion. But, because the fucking masses have spread their memes all over facebook, every moron who gets the tiniest piece of green on their plate has to call me over to make sure I'm not trying to kill them with my Devil's Lettuce. Meanwhile, there were 166 confirmed cases of salmonella from chicken in Ontario in the past year. But, I don't hear anyone questioning me about all the pounds and pounds of wings they order every Tuesday.
Speaking of work, servers like myself form pretty close bonds while sharing common pet peeves in the workplace. In the service industry, it's us against them - ALL OF THEM. The kitchen, the managers, the guests and even the suppliers who want to deliver big boxes of stuff in the middle of lunch rush. However, sometimes, in the worst of establishments, there are servers who work against other servers. They refuse to be part of the team, won't run anyone else's food, or clean anyone else's tables. And then, there are are what we call the Table-stealers.
Case in point, I arrive to work at 8 a.m. on Saturday to prepare for several large groups. One group of 35 people is in the section next to mine and takes up two of my tables in a five table section. (This is starting to sound alot like a math equation. Please try to keep up.) To make up for it, I've taken a "4 Top" from another section. The most action I can have for the next hour and a half is 16 people. Which is fine. The server next to me gets 35 guaranteed sales and I get half of that if I'm lucky.
This isn't fair. It just isn't. So, I filed my grievance with the United Service Workers of No One Gives a Shit About Your Problems and was promptly told that I should suck it up. In response, I grumble under my breath, "I'll just go over here and fuck myself, I guess."
To be fair, the service gods giveth and the service gods taketh away. I would probably end up making good money anyway. Regardless, as soon as the table of 35 people had food in front of them, didn't that sneaky little so-and-so grab a family at my borrowed 4 Top before I knew they were even sitting down! Meet the Table-stealer! I can't actually call her anything worse because, TBH, I think she's pretty cool... when she's not stealing tables. Meanwhile, half of my section is taken up with her party and she doesn't have to care if they camp out there all day.
I'm fairly communist in my service industry beliefs. My dad calls me a "Fucking Lefty" all the time, actually - "From each according to his abilities, Dad!" I just think, if I can help you and you can help me, the restaurant runs smoothly and the kitchen doesn't see the hot food getting cold, then the guests aren't suffering from low blood sugar and they think the place is great so they keep coming back. Win fucking win. Everyone is happy.
Which brings me to today and how unhappy I am. Granted, I'm passive aggressive as fuck. I know this. I (usually) try to keep my opinions and my disappointment inside because I know the effect of harsh words (unless they're written online and that doesn't count). I know my anger is usually the result of being tired and hungry. Sometimes, tired of being broke and hungry for peace of mind. Instead of calmly asking for what I want, I try to practice patience and humility. Well, that never works and I end up wanting to pull down my pants and shit in a coffee shop so I can throw fecal matter at my sworn enemies. Lol. Did you see that video?! It wasn't me, but it very well could have been.
I arrived at the "box office", which was a table with one clerk, some pamphlets, and a cash box. One woman was purchasing a ticket and asking all kinds of bullshit questions. Another was waiting to buy her ticket and prepping to ask more of the same bullshit questions. Like the polite Canadian I am, I stood well back from the transaction to allow for personal space and waited to pay my admission. Meanwhile, the elevator doors open behind me and a throng of pushy, brassy, obnoxious women herd right past me and start asking bullshit questions and demanding admission.
I said what I always say, somewhat under my breath, as I try to find some zen and humility: "I'll just go over here and fuck myself, I guess."
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Can't throw it if I can't make it |
I tried waiting patiently for my turn. But, more and more people were showing up and I realized, with every new arrival, I was getting more and more anxious and uncomfortable. I just wanted to NOT have to interact with anyone. I would much rather eat popcorn in a basement with Netflix.
So, I went to the Cannabis Convention instead. I'm not interested in Cannabis. I don't have any significant body pain, I don't like the way it makes me feel, I don't mind the smell, but it just isn't for me. I just thought it would be interesting and I assumed there would be good food there. You know, for when everyone gets the munchies? Once again, I was disappointed. Not so much as a bag of Doritos. Thankfully, I didn't pay the $15 admission because they were basically shutting the place down by 4:20 p.m.
Phone still dead, I ended up getting the new Google Pixel at the mall. While transferring my data, the salesperson noticed my screensaver said, "I Hate Everyone". She laughed and then she said, "That really just made my day." We bonded over stories of mutual hatred for our species, heightened by the Black Friday experience and maybe even the full moon, and I wished her the best of luck for the rest of the season. Then, I grabbed a Beaver Tail from across the street, repeatedly said "No" to four panhandlers asking for change as I walked to my car, and drove back to the solace of my basement room where I will spend the rest of the night in blissful solitude.
I don't really hate everyone. Naomi from Telus is on my list of people to save during the apocalypse.