Sunday, November 21, 2010

Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down...

So, I'm driving out to Milford to take some photos of a live theatre production in which my friend, Sarah, is performing. She asks me to take pictures of the dress rehearsal so she can put together a scrapbook of the event. And, I like to see live theatre for free. It's a symbiotic relationship. Anyway, I got to thinking how great my life is (even in rural Canada). Not only is it great, it's a little... kooky. Maybe some people would like to read about it. Maybe not. But, I have all kinds of ideas about living here. My days are part Auntie Mame ("Life's a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!") and part Yes Man (I have difficulty saying "No" to my friends and strangers). Obviously, a lot of my inspiration comes from books and movies. HAHA! Like that time I made my friend, Amanda, dress up like a super hero just to watch Kickass on opening night at the movie theatre.

But, I digress. The County Theater Group is putting on a little production of THE DRESSER, by Ronald Harwood this weekend at Mount Tabor Theatre in Milford, ON. Tickets are 15 bucks. Sarah, plays the part of Irene, an ambitious young actress who is a bit of a whore. Nothing like Sarah in real life. So, I was shocked (and kind of grossed out) to see her getting fondled nose-to-nose with the man playing Sir in the second act! Not that she wasn`t asking for it.

It was a really good story anyway. This old fart, Sir, is a fancy English theatre actor who's losing his marbles. Luckily, he has a very patient and entertaining "dresser" (the person who dresses actors before they go on stage... who knew?) named Norman. He singlehandedly, and in spite of an air raid courtesy of the Luftwaffe,  manages to straighten up the poor senile bugger and get him on stage as King Lear. What's a Luftwaffe, you ask? Beats the hell out of me. Google it.

I just thought it was hilarious that the guy's wife is called Pussy.

I would <3 to let you know who plays all of these characters in the County Theatre Group, but the names of the actors are not listed on their website or their Facebook page and, quite frankly, I didn't know I was working as a reporter/critic anymore. I gave up my job with The Picton Gazette about nine years ago. Next time, I will be more prepared and provide more details. :)

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